Sunday 27 September 2009

The Changing Faces of Jennifer Lopez


It is a medium shot.


The medium shot lets you see both Jennifer’s and the babies facial expressions.


Head is placed in front of the title.

Jennifer stands to the side with her hand on her hip


This emphasises her importance. She is more important than the magazine title.

This presents Jennifer in a much softer way than if she was facing forward. It shows her curves and the detail of the dress, representing her glamorous lifestyle and star status.


The blue background and sand.


The colour blue and the sand makes think of a place hot and summer. This magazine was
probably created during the summertime.


The colours of her dress and the background colour


These colours show heat and warmth which suggests the magazine was published in the summer or maybe these colours show her personality.

1 comment:

  1. Kenny, this is quite a basic analysis with very little use of media language.

    You should be able to find at least 5 points for each image:
    ~facial expression
    ~body language
    ~colour (which you have covered in part)
    ~camera shot/angle

    Current Grade: U
